Chapter 4- Answers - Part 1

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When Monday morning finally rolled around, I was too anxious to eat any breakfast. I had a quick shower, and arranged myself into some sort of semi-presentable state, ready to face the world. I tried to chew on my toast, but it felt like cardboard in my mouth, so I quickly gave up on the whole breakfast idea, trying to slyly throw my toast in the bin without earning myself a 'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day' speech from my Mum. Fortunately for me, I was much stealthier then I looked, she didn't even notice. I'm a ninja.

I didn't even react to my sisters running commentary of snide remarks about my outfit, hair, shoes and blah, blah, blah. Ok, so I was pretty worked up, but I definitely had a valid reason. I was going to see HIM again today, and this time I was going to make sure I got answers.

I snatched an apple on my way out, not that I was planning to eat it or anything but my mum was watching, and this way she'd think I was getting my five a day. No nagging for me. Poor gullible Mother. I dropped my apple in the trash as I shut my front door, feeling slightly guilty that I was wasting food. Oh well, maybe a racoon would find it and go to town on that bad boy.

I ran, practically flew, to the spot where Amber and I meet every morning and saunter to school at a snails pace. I glanced at the clock on my phone, late, late, she was late. No, I was NOT obsessing. I tapped my foot impatiently, promising myself I would not be angry with her. Her and her stupid inability to be on time. Ok, I knew I was being irrational; she had no idea why today was so important. She had no idea that today I was going to find out everything, one way or another. I dug the toe of my shoe into the dirt, trying to vent some of my frustration on a bottle top that had dared to somehow, embed itself into the ground.

'Holly!' A shrill voice from behind me rang out. I turned to see Amber jogging towards me, red-faced and looking severely out of breath, her purple scarf came trailing behind her. I managed to grunt out some sort of greeting, attempting to disguise the impatience I felt.

'You...will me....this....morning,' She panted, clutching her side. 'My dog...tried to...escape down the...toilet...WHILE I shower!' She exclaimed, giving me an expectant look, as though I should bust out a string of abusive words aimed at her dog (Chubsie). On any other day I would have, but my patience was wearing thinner by the second. It wasn't her fault, but I still felt a slight trickle of annoyance directed towards her. I was such a bad friend.

'Can we walk and talk.' I grumbled, finally managing to dislodge the bottle cap from the ground. Take that, sucker.

'Well...someone's grumpy.' She mumbled, taking in my slightly manic appearance. She whistled.

'Oh boy, what's up with you?' Amber gestured towards my somewhat dishevelled hair, shaking her head in disapproval.

'What?' I muttered, self-consciously smoothing down my normally straight hair. 'I thought this was how all the popular girls were wearing it.' I said, in a small voice, hoping my albeit, rather weak attempt at humour would put both of us in a better mood. It seemed to work, for Amber at least; she heaved an exasperated sigh and bounded forwards, striking the bottle top I had been kicking back and forth. I rolled my eyes.

'Oh, yeah. VERY mature Amber.' She flashed me a wicked grin, one which I couldn't help but return. I attempted to retrieve the bottle top but she kicked it further along the street. So this was how she wanted to play it.

'This means war!' She yelled, blobbing her tongue out at me over her shoulder. Amber always had a way of making me feel better, and I was grateful, but she was so NOT going to win this war.

'Victory is mine!' I yelled, throwing Amber a triumphant smile. We had been kicking that poor little bottle top the whole walk to school. Hence the reason why it took at least fifteen minutes longer than normal. I had managed to kick it right out from under her and keep it going until we reached the school gates.

Life of a..special..sixteen year old. (no I'm not a vampire, eesh)Where stories live. Discover now